Zanimljivosti ROMI.HR



1. 10. 2020.

Putnici, po engleskom nazivu 'Travallers', ili irski 'Putnici', tradicionalna su nomadska zajednica porijeklom iz Irske. Osim u Irskoj, žive i u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu te Sjedinjenim Državama. Široko su prisutni u popularnoj kulturi, i uz njih se vežu mnogi stereotipi – tko su zapravo članovi ove zajednice?

Autorica: Chloe Gabbar
Prijevod: Zvonimir Rajković

Ono što Putnike razlikuje od ostalog nomadskog irskog stanovništva su njihovi vrlo specifični običaji i vlastiti jezik, Shelta. Procjenjuje se da Sheltom, poznatom i kao Cant, govori oko 90 000 ljudi. Osim vlastitim jezikom, često govore i engleskim jezikom, ali s posebnim naglaskom.

Što se tiče povijesnog podrijetla Putnika, ono je podložno mnogim interpretacijama i teorijama. Neki smatraju da potječu iz druge irske nomadske zajednice, Taris, dok su po drugoj teoriji bili poljoprivrednici koji su protjerani sa svoje zemlje tijekom režima Olivera Cromwella u 17. stoljeću, ili za vrijeme velike gladi od 1845. do 1849. godine. Potonja je teorija, međutim, opovrgnuta, jer danas znamo da su Putnici u Irskoj mnogo duže, još od srednjega vijeka.

Danas se procjenjuje da se u Irskoj živi otprilike 30 000 Putnika, te 15 000 u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu i 10 000 u Sjedinjenim Državama.

Kao što je to slučaj s mnogim drugim nacionalnim manjinama, Putnici su često žrtve rasizma i negativnih stereotipa. Na primjer, mnoge riječi koje su nekada služile za opisivanje ove zajednice, poput 'Knacker' ili 'Pikey', danas se smatraju uvredama.

Zahvaljujući konjima, životinjama koje su oduvijek bile od velike važnosti za zajednicu Putnika, mogu su raditi u industrijama vezanim s konjima odnosno jahačima. Ovo je, međutim, i izvor mnogih napetosti između Putnika i vlasti, jer su konje često pušteni bez nadzora ili u krdima.

Status koji imaju Putnici ovisi o zemlji u kojoj žive; Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo ih priznaje kao nacionalnu manjinu, no dugi su niz godina u Irskoj smatrani samo društvenom skupinom, čak i ako su danas stekli status nacionalne manjine.

U Sjedinjenim Državama, zbog manje strogih pravila i slobode vjeroispovijesti osigurane 1. amandmanom na Ustav, Putnicima je dopušteno prakticirati svoje tradicije s puno manje problema nego u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu ili u Irskoj. Na primjer, nije neobično da će se u južnim američkim saveznim državama djevojke vjenčati ponekad već s 11 ili 12 godina, s muškarcima dosta starijim od sebe, često starijim od 20 godina.

Druga tradicija vezana za brak koja je raširena u cijeloj zajednici je plaćanje miraza, odnosno novčanog iznosa, od obitelji buduće mladenke daje budućem suprugu.

Putnici su široko prisutni u popularnoj kulturi. Mogu se naći u mnogim fikcionalnim djelima: filmovima, knjigama i TV serijama. Neki od najistaknutijih primjera uključuju film 'Snatch' redatelja Guya Ritchieja, knjigu 'Toxic Blues' Kena Bruena i, možda najpopularnije, TV seriju 'Peaky Blinders'.

Povijesna drama 'Peaky Blinders' prikazuje fiktivnu obitelj kriminalaca iz zajednice Putnika, nadimka 'Peaky Blinders'. Ova serija, koja je prvi put prikazana 2013. godine, naširoko je hvaljena.



Travellers, or Irish Travellers, are a traditionally nomadic community originally from Ireland. They can however be found in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Widely represented in popular culture and on the receiving end of many stereotypes? Who really are the members of this community?


Distinguishable from other nomadic Irish populations, Travellers have very specific customs and their own language, Shelta. Shelta, also known as the Cant, is spoken by an estimated 90,000 people. They do however also tend to speak English, with a specific accent.

The historical origin of Travellers is subject to many interpretations and theories. Some people consider that they descend from another Irish nomadic community, the Taris, whereas another theory is that they were farmers banned from their land during the regime of Oliver Cromwell in the 17th century or during the Great Famine of 1845-49. The latter theory has however been disproved, as we now know that Travellers have been in Ireland for much longer, since the Middle Ages.

Today, it is estimated that there are approximately 30 000 Travellers in Ireland, and respectively 15 000 and 10 000 in the United Kingdom and the United States.

Such as is the case with many other ethnic minorities, Travellers are often victims of much racism and negative stereotypes. For example, many words which were once descriptive of the community such as Knacker or Pikey are now considered insults.

Horses are very important for the Traveller community, with them traditionally working in horse-related industries and riding a lot. This is however the source of many tensions between the Travellers and the authorities, with the horses often left free or in herds.

The status of travellers depends on the country in which they are living: the United Kingdom recognises them as an ethnic minority, but for many years in Ireland they were considered a social group, even if today they have gained the status of an ethnic minority.

In the United States, because of the looser rules and the freedom of religion allowed by the first amendment of the constitution, Travellers are allowed to practice their traditions more easily than in the United Kingdom or in Ireland. For example, it is not uncommon that, in the southern states, girls will get married sometimes as young as 11 or 12, to men much older, often over 20.

Another marriage-related tradition widespread across the community is the payment of a dowry, i.e. a sum of money, from the family of the future bride to the future husband.

Travellers are widely depicted in popular culture. They can be found in many fictions works: films, books and TV series. Some of the most prominent examples include the movie Snatch directed by Guy Ritchie, the book Toxic Blues by Ken Bruen or, most popularly perhaps, the TV series Peaky Blinders.

The period drama Peaky Blinders depicts a fictional family of criminals from the Traveller community, nicknamed the “Peaky Blinders”. This series, which first launched in 2013 has been widely praised.


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