1. 10. 2022.
Autorica: Maria Nikiforova
Prijevod: Antonia Mudrovčić

Najcjenjeniji ljudi su oni koji su u starijoj životnoj dobi. Ali to je vrlo zasluženo.


Dana 14. prosinca 1990. Opća skupština Ujedinjenih naroda usvojila je rezoluciju kojom je 1. listopada proglašen Međunarodnim danom starijih osoba. Proglašenju ovog dana pridonio je sve aktualniji problem starenja svjetskog stanovništva. Do 2020. godine broj ljudi u dobi od 60 i više godina nadmašio je broj djece mlađe od 5 godina. Rečeno je da će u sljedećih nekoliko desetljeća taj broj samo rasti. Štoviše, do 2050. više od 80% starijih ljudi živjet će u zemljama s niskim i srednjim dohotkom.

S godinama dolazi mudrost. Koliko nam mudrosti mogu prenijeti naši ostarjeli roditelji, bake i djedovi. Kako je lijepo ponekad slušati svoje rođake dok pričaju priče iz mladosti, naučiti nešto korisno za sebe. Svijet se mijenja, ali ljudsko iskustvo se može korisno prenijeti u bilo kojem trenutku.

Čovječanstvo je oduvijek pokušavalo zaustaviti ili usporiti starenje. Mnogi se ljudi boje starenja. Koliko je samo bilo pokušaja da se dođe do eliksira mladosti, kamena mudraca i drugih načina da se pomladite. Nažalost ili na sreću, čovječanstvo još nije došlo do takvih metoda.

Mnogi ljudi stare drugačije. Starost je ponekad ta koja daje opću perspektivu o razvoju pojedinca.  Starenjem se najčešće mijenja odnos čovjeka i društva, ali životnih smjernica kao što su smisao života, sreća i shvaćanje dobrote.

Često se događa da se između starije generacije i djece uspostavi poseban kontakt. Postoje različite situacije u životu, na primjer, kad zaposleni roditelji ostave svoju djecu na čuvanje bakama i djedovima. Tada dijete većinu vremena provodi sa starijima. U sjećanje djeteta urežu se ugodni trenuci druženja s bakom i djedom. Često dijete nosi ta sjećanja kroz cijeli život.

No, na današnji dan moramo obratiti pozornost i na izazove s kojima se suočava starija populacija svijeta. Posebnu pozornost potrebno je posvetiti potrebama starijih osoba, pomoći im. Zajedno, ljudi i vlade mogu i moraju osigurati da ljudi ne samo žive duže, već i da im život bude bolji, ispunjeniji i zadovoljniji. Svaka država treba osigurati odgovarajuće mirovine i uvjete života za one koji više ne mogu raditi.

Također je važno razumjeti da bi, uz odgovarajuće uvjete, mnoge starije osobe mogle nastaviti pridonositi funkcioniranju društva čak i u starosti. Ljudski se mozak bolje razvija kada osoba uči ili obavlja rad povezan s moždanom aktivnošću. Dakle, omogućavajući starijim ljudima koji su voljni raditi da rade, društvo može produžiti život.

Jedna od najvećih nevolja za starije osobe posljednjih godina došla je s pandemijom. COVID-19 je najviše pogodio starije osobe. Zastrašujuća činjenica o COVID-u je da je stopa smrtnosti među osobama starijim od 80 pet puta veća od prosjeka za cijelu populaciju.

Nažalost, zbog kratkog životnog vijeka u mnogim romskim zajednicama diljem svijeta, većina Roma nema priliku dugo imati svoje starije rođake u životu. Očekivana životna dob prilično je niska zbog nekoliko razloga, poput ograničenog pristupa zdravstvenoj skrbi i lošijih životnih uvjeta od prosjeka.

Možete pričati o mnogo čemu, ali glavno je da se i dalje poštuje starije. U nekim zemljama (kao što je Japan na primjer), starost se smatra najvažnijom, starije ljude štuju. Uvijek se treba sjetiti koliko su stariji živjeli, koliko su toga vidjeli. Stoga se prema starijima treba odnositi s poštovanjem i treba im pomagati.






The most respected people are the ones of old age. But this is highly deserved.


On December 14, 1990, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. The proclamation of this day was facilitated by the emerging problem of the aging of the world population. By 2020, the number of people aged 60 and over has surpassed the number of children under the age of 5. It is said that over the next few decades, this number will only progress further. What is more, by 2050, more than 80% of older people will live in low- and middle-income countries.


With age comes wisdom. How much wisdom can be passed on to us by our elderly parents, grandparents. How nice it is sometimes to listen to stories from the youth of your relatives, to learn something useful for yourself. The world is changing, but human experience can be usefully transferred at any time.


At all times, mankind has tried to stop or slow down aging. Many people are afraid of getting old. How many attempts have been made to come up with an elixir of youth, philosopher's stones, and other ways to rejuvenate yourself. Unfortunately or fortunately, humanity has not yet come up with such methods.


Many people age differently. Often it is old age that provides a general perspective on the development of the individual. With the transition to the status of older people, the relationship between a person and society most often changes, as well as such life guidelines as the meaning of life, happiness, and understanding of goodness.


It often happens that a special contact is established between the older generation and children. There are different situations in life, for example, when working parents leave their children in the care of grandparents. Then the child spends most of the time with the elderly. In the memory of the child there are pleasant moments of spending time with grandparents. Often the child carries these memories throughout his life.


However, on this day we also need to pay attention to the challenges faced by the world's older population. It is necessary to pay special attention to the needs of the elderly, to help them. Together, people and governments can and must ensure that people not only live longer, but also that their lives are better, fulfilling and satisfying. Every country should provide a proper pension and living conditions for those who cannot work anymore.


It is also important to understand that, given the right conditions, many older people could continue to contribute to the functioning of society even into old age. The human brain develops better when a person studies or performs work related to brain activity. Thus, by enabling those older people who want to work, society can prolong life.


One of the biggest hardships for elderly people in recent years came with the pandemic. COVID-19 affected older people the most. The scary fact about COVID is that the death rate among people over 80 is five times higher than the average for the entire population.


Unfortunately due to short life expectancy in many Roma communities around the world, most Roma do not have the opportunity to have their older relatives in their lives for long. The life expectancy is quite low because of several reasons like limited access to healthcare, worse living conditions than average.


You can talk about many things, but the main thing is to continue to respect the elderly. In some countries (such as Japan for example), old age is considered the most important, older people are worshiped. You should always remember what a long life the elderly have lived, how much they have seen. Therefore, the elderly need to be respected and helped.