12. 10. 2021.

U modernom društvu odasvuda čujemo izjave da djevojčice imaju ista prava kao i dječaci, imaju isti položaj i iste mogućnosti. Današnje djevojčice, buduće žene, mogu postati političarke, policajke, vojnikinje, liječnice itd. Ali ako uzmemo u obzir neke manje razvijene zemlje, npr neke afričke ili bliskoistočne zemlje, situacija je suprotna. Djevojčice se i dalje nalaze na nižem položaju u odnosu na dječake. 

Autorica: Kristina Tekuchova
Prijevod: Daria Maracheva

Prema povijesnim tendencijama mnogih zemalja, djevojke su bile i još uvijek su diskriminirane. Poznati primjer takve diskriminacije djevojčica bio je zabilježen u Narodnoj Republici Kini. Krajem 1970-ih i početkom 1980-ih Kina je provodila „politiku jednog djeteta“. Vlada je provodila takvu politiku kako bi usporila brzinu prirasta kineskog stanovništva. Krajem 1970- ih stanovništvo Kine približavalo se brojci od jedne milijarde ljudi. Krajem 1970-ih na čelu Kine bio je Deng Xiaoping koji je donio odluku o usporavanju prirodnog prirasta stanovništva. Prema programu iz 1978. godine sve obitelji mogle su imati maksimalno dvoje djece, ali poželjno je bilo imati jedno dijete. U razdoblju 1980. kineske vlasti uvele su još strože pravilo prema kojem, kako seoske, tako i gradske obitelji mogu imati samo jedno dijete po obitelji. Provođenjem „politike jednog djeteta“ kineske vlasti postigle su željeni rezultat, ali istovremeno stvorili nove probleme pa je tako kineska vlada odlučila zaustaviti program.

Zapravo, „politika jednog djeteta“ proizvela je više problema nego rješenja. Prvi i najvažniji problem bio je nesrazmjer između žena i muškaraca u zemlji. 1970. godine sveukupno stanovništvo Kine bilo je 829.920.000 ljudi. 51,4 % tog broja bili su muškarci, a 48,6% žene. Na prvi se pogled možda čini da nesrazmjer i nije tako velik, ali zapravo je vrlo relevantan i utječe na cjelokupno društvo, a posebno kad se radi o tako velikom broju stanovnika. Dakle, ovih 3% u apsolutnim brojkama iznosi približno 37 milijuna žena manje nego muškaraca.

Kako se to dogodilo? Nakon što je ultrazvučni pregled postao dostupan, roditelji su unaprijed mogli saznati spol djeteta. Stvarnost je bila takva da je većina obitelji željela imati muško dijete. To je bilo izuzetno važno za seoske obitelji zbog toga što su muška djeca nasljeđivala prezime i imovinu, i pomagala s teškim poslovima. To je dovelo do povećanja stope pobačaja ženske djece jer u većini slučajeva nisu bile poželjne. S vremenom, u Kini nije bilo dovoljno žena za sklapanje brakova. Trenutno, prema kineskom zakonodavstvu, liječnici ne smiju obavještavati roditelje o spolu djeteta prije nego što se rodi.

Situacija se promijenila uslijed novih okolnosti. U prošlosti su djevojčice bile diskriminirane u odnosu na dječake, a sada se ova tendencija brzo mijenja, posebno u seoskim područjima. Smatra se da djevojčice imaju bliže veze s obitelji i mogle bi se brinuti o starijim roditeljima. Kad se udaju, osnovnu financijsku odgovornost preuzmu mladoženjini roditelji. Također, u vrijeme kad se provodila „politika jednog djeteta“, djeca, a posebno djevojčice, nisu imale dovoljno hrane za normalan život, kao ni adekvatno obrazovanje. 1978. očekivani životni vijek žena u Kini iznosio je 65 godina, ali se 2019. godine povećao na 79 godina. Dakle, životni uvjeti su se znatno poboljšali. U današnje vrijeme puno obitelji radije ima djevojčicu. Smatra se da je socijalni pritisak na dječake u društvu veći u odnosu na žene. Zbog velike populacije, povećava se konkurencija za najbolji ili barem relativno dobar položaj u društvu. U suvremenom društvu djevojčice imaju pristup osnovnim životnim potrebama i imaju puno bolje uvjete nego u prošlosti.

U konačnici, ne bismo smjeli zaboraviti na probleme s kojima se djevojčice susreću od samog rođenja. Opća skupština Ujedinjenih Naroda proglasila je Svjetski dan djevojčica, koji teži tome da se širi svijest o problemima djevojčica u društvu.





On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/170 declaring October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. It stands for the recognition of girls’ rights and raises awareness of the problems girls encounter all over the world. Such issues relate to gender-based violence, harmful practices, discrimination and poor learning opportunities among others.

Everything started with the conference in Beijing. 30,000 men and women from about 200 countries attended the Fourth World Conference on Women. Its main aim was to recognize women’s rights as human rights. The conference resulted in the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a comprehensive policy agenda for gender equality.

In the following years, women pressed this agenda forward, leading global movements on issues ranging from sexual and reproductive health rights to equal pay. Both girls and boys have rights to a safe, healthy and educated life. Girls, future women, can empower the world being excellent employers, entrepreneurs, mothers, political leaders, loving wives etc. Finding the significant approach and realizing the power and rights of girls, leads to a prosperous future in which this half of the population becomes an equal partner in solving world problems like economic growth, disease prevention, political conflicts.

It is important to break stereotypes which are created about girls, especially those with disabilities, different colour of skin or religion, because they can also become innovators and initiators of global movements. Implementing the concepts of justice and inclusion, girls are able to create a world relevant for them and future generations.


In modern society we hear statements coming from everywhere that girls have the same rights as boys, have the same position and opportunities. Nowadays girls as future women can become politicians, police officers, military people, entrepreneurs, doctors etc. But if we consider less developed countries, like some of the African or Middle-East countries, we would see that the opposite is true. Girls are still find themselves in a lower position than boys. Also, according to the historical tendences of many countries, girls were and still are discriminated.

An illustrating example of boys being in privilege can be seen in Peoples’ Republic of China. In late 1970s – early 1980s “One Child Policy“ was established. The government was eager to promote this Program in order to decrease the speed of population growth. By late 1970s the population of China was quickly growing up to one billion people. In the late 1970s China was led by Deng Xiaoping who was determined to slow down the population growth. So, according to the 1978 program, all families could have only two children, but one child was preferable. In 1979-1980 there was an even stricter rule for both rural and urban families to have only one child per family. By establishing  “One Child Policy“, they reached the result, but also created new problems, so in 2016 the Government of China decided to end the program.

In fact, “One Child Policy“ produced a bigger number of problems than solutions. The first and most important issue is the disproportion of women and men in the Country. In 1970 overall population was 829,920,000, out of which 51,4% were male and 48,6% were female. In 2018 the population reached the point of nearly 1.4 billion people, out of which 51,5% were male and 48,5% were female. It might seem that the gender gap is not that big. But it is actually very relevant and effects the whole society, especially with a huge number of inhabitants. So this 3% difference in China in total numbers means approximately 37 million women less than men.

What was the reason? After sex determination by ultrasound medical test became available, parents could know which sex their child had. The reality was that most of them preferred to have a male child. It was significant especially for the families in the villages, as male children would inherit family name and property, they help with hard work. This led to high rates of female child abortion, because in most cases they were not desirable. And over time there were not enough women for marriage. Nowadays, according to Chinese legislation, doctors are not allowed to inform parents of the gender of a child before it is born.

The problem of boys being in privilege has been modified according to modern standards. If in the past girls were unprivileged, now this tendency has been changing rapidly, especially in the rural areas. It is considered that girls would be closer to the family and could take care of elderly parents. When they get married, the major financial responsibility is taken by groom's parents. Also, at the time when “One Child Policy“ was established, children didn’t have enough food to live a normal life, didn’t have proper access to education, especially girls. In 1978 life expectancy of female inhabitants was 65 years, but in 2019 it increased to 79 years. Which means, life conditions considerably improved. Nowadays, a lot of modern families prefer to have a baby girl. Because it is supposed that boys have a higher level of pressure in the society. The reason is the large population, thereafter severe competition to get the best position in the society or at least relatively good one. In the modern society, girls have access to the basic life needs and conditions are a lot better than in the past.

Finally, we should not forget about the problems girls face since they are born. United Nations General Assembly established an International Day of Girl Child, which tends to spread awareness of the issues of girls in the society.