17. 7. 2022.
International justice and privacy PRAVDA ZA SVE
Photo by EFF-Graphics via Wikimedia Commons
Autorica: Ezgi Kocdag
Prijevod: Antonia Mudrovčić

Konačni nacrt za uspostavu Međunarodnog kaznenog suda (ICC) dovršen je manje od godinu dana nakon što je Vijeće sigurnosti usvojilo Statut Kaznenog suda bivše Jugoslavije (ICTY). Države članice su upoznate s nacrtom Međunarodnog kaznenog suda Komisije za međunarodno pravo. Konačno, o nacrtu i prijedlozima izmjena i dopuna raspravljalo se na Diplomatskoj konferenciji UN-a sazvanoj u Rimu između 15. lipnja i 17. srpnja 1998. godine, koju su činili opunomoćeni predstavnici. Otvoren je za potpisivanje svim državama u srpnju 1998.

Ujedinjeni narodi prihvatili su Rimski statut, kojim je 17. srpnja 1998. osnovan Međunarodni kazneni sud. Danas ICC, koji je osnovan Statutom koji je potpisalo 139 država, nastavlja postojati kao jedini učinkoviti pravni mehanizam u cijelom svijetu u procesima protiv genocida, zločina protiv čovječnosti, ratnih zločina i zločina agresije. Sjedinjene Američke Države, Rusija, Izrael, Libija, Kina, Katar trenutno nisu članice.

Od 1993. godine podignuta je 181 tužba protiv oko 200 optuženika na 6 različitih međunarodnih ili specijaliziranih sudova zbog optužbi da su ovi zločini počinjeni u 12 različitih zemalja, uključujući Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Ruandu, Sijeru Leone i Sudan. Slučajevi povezani s tim zločinima još su nerazriješeni. Radeći na sprječavanju genocida, zločina protiv čovječnosti, ratnih zločina i agresije, koji se nazivaju "najtežim zločinima" počinjenim u svijetu, te kako bi osigurao da počinitelji ne ostanu nekažnjeni, ICC je pokrenuo istragu kršenja u 6 zemalja te izdao 18 uhidbenih naloga. Posljednja od ovih odluka donesena je 27. lipnja 2011. protiv libijskog vođe Moamera Gadafija, njegovog sina i glasnogovornika vlade Seyfulislama Gadafija, te šefa vojne obavještajne službe, Abdullaha El Senusija, za navodne zločine protiv čovječnosti.

Svjetski dan međunarodne pravde važan je za borbu protiv nepravde koja se ne može riješiti na nacionalnoj razini ili ignorirati. Iznošenje nepravde pred međunarodne vlasti rezultat je koncepta zaštite ljudskih prava koji je počeo sazrijevati nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Na primjer, genocid nije bio definiran kao zločin u nadlažnosti sudova, prije nego što se dogodio holokaust. Ali zločini protiv čovječnosti, ratni zločini i zločini protiv mira uključujući i čin agresije bili su uključeni u njegovu nadležnost. Zbog tog razloga politika i praksa nazvana holokaust ili Konačno rješenje (Endlösung) nije bila predmetom suđenja u Nürnbergu. Ova je situacija također bila predmetom pravnih rasprava u slučaju Adolfa Eichmanna, jednog od organizatora nacističke zavjere, koji je doveden iz Argentine u Izrael početkom 60-ih. Tamo mu se sudilo i osuđen je na smrt. Ukratko, bi li se Eichmannu sudilo za zločin protiv Židova ili za zločin protiv čovječnosti? Hannah Arendt, nakon ovih suđenja, ulazi u detalje u svojoj poznatoj knjizi Eichmann u Jeruzalemu: Izvještaj o banalnosti zla. Romi su također bili žrtve porajmosa, odnosno genocida nad Romima, a status žrtava genocida nije im priznat sve do 1982. godine.

Koncept međunarodne pravde je od najveće važnosti. Kada ne možemo pozvati države i vlade na odgovornost za ono što rade u svojim zemljama ili čak u drugim zemljama, rezultat je obično nasilje i ugnjetavanje građana, posebno manjina i ranjivih skupina. Pojedinci iz zemalja koje nisu članice Međunarodnog kaznenog suda ne mogu biti procesuirani za svoje zločine protiv čovječnosti. Nažalost, kada autokrati i diktatori dođu na vlast, bez ikakvog oblika kontrole i ravnoteže, mogu raditi što god žele unutar svojih zemalja. U svijetu nam je potreban sustav, kao dio međunarodnog pravosudnog sustava, unutar kojeg će se ljudima koji su počinili najgore zločine moći suditi.




The first final draft for the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) was completed less than a year after the Security Council's adoption of the Former Yugoslavia Criminal Court Statute (ICTY). The International Law Commission's International Criminal Court draft was brought to the knowledge of the member states. Finally, the draft and amendment proposals were discussed at the UN Diplomatic Conference consisting of Plenipotentiary Representatives convened in Rome between 15 June and 17 July 1998. It was opened for signature by all states in July 1998.

The Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court on 17 July 1998, was accepted by the United Nations. Today, the ICC, which was established with the Statute signed by 139 states, continues to exist as the only effective legal mechanism in the whole world in the pursuit of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression. The United States, Russia, Israel, Libya, China, Qatar are currently not members.

Since 1993, 181 lawsuits were filed against around 200 defendants in 6 different international or special courts regarding the allegations that these crimes were committed in 12 different countries, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Sudan. Cases related to these crimes are still pending in the national jurisdictions of many states. Working to prevent the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression, which are called “the most serious crimes” committed in the world, and to ensure that the perpetrators do not go unpunished, the ICC has launched an investigation into violations in 6 countries, has issued 18 arrest warrants. The last of these decisions was taken on 27 June 2011 against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, his son and government spokesman Seyfulislam Gaddafi, and the head of military intelligence, Abdullah El Senussi, for alleged crimes against humanity.

World Day of International Justice is important for dealing with an injustice that cannot be dealt with on the national level or being ignored, by bringing it before the international authorities is the result of the protection Human Rights concept that started to mature after the Second World War.

For example, the crime of genocide was not defined as a crime within the jurisdiction of courts, before Holocaust. But crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes against peace including act of aggression were included in its jurisdiction. For this reason, the policy and practice called the Holocaust or the Final Solution (Endlösung), was not directly the subject of the Nuremberg trials. This situation was also the subject of legal debates in the case of Adolf Eichmann, one of the organisers of this Nazi conspiracy, who was brought from Argentina, where he was hiding, to Israel in the early 1960s, and was tried and sentenced to death. In short, would Eichmann be tried for a crime against Judaism or for a crime against humanity? Hannah Arendt, following these trials, goes into detail in her famous book Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Roma were also a subject of Porajmos/Roma Holocaust, and they were not granted the status of victims of genocide until 1982.

Concept of International Justice is of most importance. When we cannot held countries and governments accountable for what they are doing in their countries or even in other countries, the result is usually violence and oppression against  citizens, especially minorities and for vulnerable groups. The individuals from countries who are not members of ICC cannot be prosecuted against their crimes for humanity. Unfortunately, when autocrats and dictators comes to power, without any form of checks and balances, they can do whatever they want within their countries. We need a system in the world where people who committed the most heinous crimes from any country can be prosecuted as the part of the international justice system.