Zanimljivosti ROMI.HR
/Ljudi širom svijeta 27. ožujka obilježavaju Svjetski dan kazališta, koji je 1961. godine pokrenuo Međunarodni kazališni institut (ITI). Ovogodišnje obilježavanje Svjetskog dana kazališta podudarilo se s 90. godišnjicom prvog svjetskog romskog nacionalnog kazališta "Romen".
Prijevod: Daria Maracheva
Na svijetu nema mnogo zemalja koje se ističu dugogodišnjom kazališnom tradicijom. Ali još je manje država na svijetu koje imaju romske kazališne ansamble i kazališne trupe. Rusija je jedinstveni primjer zemlje koja se može pohvaliti izvanrednom kazališnom tradicijom, a moskovsko romsko kazalište "Romen" je jedan od njenih najsjajnijih bisera.
Preteča trupe Kazališta "Romen" bili su romski zborovi koji su se počeli pojavljivati u različitim gradovima Ruskog carstva krajem 18. početkom 19. stoljeća. Neki od njih, poput legendarnog romskog zbora koji je nastupao u moskovskom restoranu "Jar", stekli su veliku popularnost. "Vozi prema Jaru, k Ciganima!" - vjerojatno je svaki moskovski kočijaš u to vrijeme znao ovu adresu. Prva profesionalna romska kazališna trupa nastala je krajem 19. stoljeća. Trupa nije imala svoje kazalište ali je sudjelovala u predstavama koje su postavljala druga kazališta.
Ideja o osnivanju romskog kazališta pojavila se 1930. godine među aktivnim romskim intelektualcima. Dirigent Moskovskog romskog zbora, glumac i dramatičar Ivan Lebedev i njegov brat Georgij iznijeli su svoju ideju glumcu i mladom redatelju Mojsiju Goldblatu. U listopadu 1930. godine oni su pristupili prvom sovjetskom narodnom komesaru (ministru) za obrazovanje Anatoliju Lunačarskom s prijedlogom za stvaranje profesionalnog romskog kazališta. Lunačarski je podržao ideju i obećao pružiti neophodnu pomoć. Ideja o osnivanju romskog kazališta pojavila se u pravom trenutku jer je od 1920-ih godina sve do sredine 1930-ih godina sovjetska državna politika imala je za cilj podržavanje jezika i kulture autohtonih i malih naroda uključujući Rome.
"Romen" je nastao kao Studio indo-romskog kazališta. U prosincu 1931. godine Studio je prikazao svoju prvu glazbeno-dramsku izvedbu u tri čina zasnovanom na drami Aleksandra Germana "Život na kotačima". Predstava je prikazivala poteškoće prijelaza na nenomadski način života i mlade Rome koji raskidaju sa svojom prošlošću. Nakon premijere Studio je promijenio naziv u Kazalište "Romen".
Od samog početka postavilo se pitanje vezano s jezikom predstava, odnosno treba li predstave izvoditi na romskom ili ruskom jeziku. Bila je donijeta odluka o izvođenju predstava na romskom jeziku. Međutim, uskoro se Kazalište suočilo s nizom izazova. Prije svega, zbog razlika između različitih dijalekata romskog jezika, nisu svi Romi mogli u potpunosti razumjeti jezik predstava. Uz to, ubrzo je postalo jasno da Kazalište neće moći financijski preživjeti bez gledatelja koji govore ruskim jezikom. Predstave su se počele izvoditi na romskom i ruskom jeziku, te su glumci ponekad izgovarali samo odvojene rečenice na romskom jeziku. Od 1940. godine Kazalište je u potpunosti prešlo na ruski jezik.
Prije 1937. godine Kazalište "Romen" bilo je poznato prije svega po svojim vokalima i koreografiji. Mihail Janšin, koji je u to vrijeme već bio poznati glumac, 1937. godine postao je umjetnički direktor Kazališta "Romen". Janšin je postavio cilj napraviti od "Romena" ozbiljno dramsko kazalište. U tu svrhu pozvao je redatelje Moskovskog umjetničkog kazališta koje je tada već steklo reputaciju uglednog dramskog kazališta. Za vrijeme njegovog rukovodstva Kazalište "Romen" počelo je staviti predstave zasnovane na djelima ruskih i stranih klasika.
Tokom Drugog svjetskog rata trupa Kazališta "Romen" pridonijela je održavanju borbenog duha sovjetskih vojnika i učinila je sve što je bilo moguće kako bi podizala duh građana Sovjetskog Saveza koji su se borili protiv nacizma. Trupa je nastupala na frontu, mjestima mobilizacije, u vojnim vlakovima i u bolnicama. Glumci Kazališta "Romen" su 1943. godine nastupali pred mornarima tihooceanske flote na ruskom Dalekom Istoku. Teški bombarder imenovan "Romenovets" izgrađen je novcem koji je skupila kazališna trupa.
Semjon Barkan je 1957. godine postao glavni ravnatelj Kazališta "Romen". Osnovao je kazalište mladih, angažirao nove glumce i redatelje i postavio nove predstave. Jedan od takvih redatelja bio je mladi Angel Gutierrez, Španjolac koji je odrastao u Sovjetskom Savezu. Postavio je nekoliko predstava prema djelima Federica Garcíe Lorce. Scenograf ovih izvedbi bio je poznati španjolski umjetnik i kipar Alberto Sanchez. Razdoblje od sredine 1950-ih godina do kraja 1970-ih godina bio je zenit romskog Kazališta. Predstave koje su postavljali redatelji Kazališta "Romen" igrane su u prepunim dvoranama.
1950-ih godina u "Romen" dolazi mladi Rom Nikolaj Sličenko koji počinje raditi kao sporedni glumac. U Kazalištu "Romen" on je izgradio vrlo uspješnu karijeru. Godine 1977., nakon 26 godina rada u Kazalištu, Sličenko je postao glavni i umjetnički ravnatelj Kazališta "Romen". Nikolaj Sličenko je autor legendarne predstave "Mi smo Cigani", koja se smatra jednom od najboljih predstava Kazališta. Predstava se izvodi u Kazalištu "Romen" više od 40 godina u kontinuitetu. Ona govori o povijesti Roma, njihovom putu iz drevne Indije u potrazi za domovinom u Rusiji. U prosincu 2017. godine predstava je bila prikazana 2222. put u gotovo 30 zemalja.
Godine 1969. Kazalište "Romen" se preselilo u novu zgradu, odnosno mjesto gdje se u 19. stoljeću nalazio legendarni moskovski restoran Jar.
Kazalište "Romen" dalo je svijetu niz izuzetno nadarenih glumaca poput Ivana Rom-Lebedeva, Ljalje Čornaje, Ekaterine Žemčužnaje, Marije Skvortsove, Sonje Timofejeve i mnogih drugih. Jedna od posebnih značajki Kazališta "Romen" su njegove brojne glumačke dinastije.
Početkom 1980-ih godina Kazalište "Romen" dobilo je priliku otići na turneje u inozemstvo. Japan je bio prva inozemna turneja Kazališta. Sa svojim predstavama "Romen" je također obišao Francusku, Austriju, Tursku, Indiju, Jugoslaviju i druge zemlje.
"Romen" je jedinstven primjer nacionalnog romskog kazališta.Već godinama Romen je ozbiljno dramsko kazalište, a da nije izgubio svoj izražen nacionalni kolorit što ga čini toliko privlačnim za širu javnost. Zahvaljujući Kazalištu "Romen" mnogi nadareni Romi dobili su priliku ostvariti svoj potencijal i postati romska kulturna elita u Rusiji. Bez ikakve sumnje Kazalište "Romen" je pridonijelo popularizaciji i promoviranju romske nacionalne kulture ne samo u Rusiji, već i u inozemstvu.
The 90’s anniversary of the Romen Theatre
On March 27th people worldwide celebrate World Theatre Day, which was initiated in 1961 by the International Theatre Institute. This year celebration of World Theatre Day has coincided with the 90th anniversary of the world's first Roma national theatre “Romen”.
There are not so many countries in the world that stand out for their long-standing theatrical traditions. But there are even fewer countries in the world that have Roma theatre ensembles and theatre troupes. Russia is a unique example of a country, which can be proud of its outstanding theatrical traditions with Moscow Roma theatre “Romen” being one of its brightest pearls.
The predecessors of the Romen Theatre troupe were Roma choirs that started to appear in different cities of the Russian Empire in the late 18th – the beginning of the 19th century. Some of them such as the legendary Moscow Yar restaurant Roma choir gained huge popularity. "To Yar, to the Gypsies!" – probably every Moscow coachman at that time knew this address. The first professional Roma theatre troupe was formed at the end of the 19th century. It didn’t have its own theatre but was engaged in plays staged by other theatres.
The idea of creating Roma theatre appeared in 1929 among active young Roma intellectuals. Moscow Roma Choir conductor, actor, and playwright Ivan Lebedev, and his brother Georgy shared this idea with an actor and a young director Moisey Goldblat. In October 1930, the group approached the first People's Commissar (minister) of Education Anatoly Lunacharsky with a proposal to create a professional Roma theatre. Lunacharsky supported the idea and promised to provide the necessary assistance. The idea of creating a Roma theatre came at the right time as from the 1920-s till the mid-1930-s the Soviet State national policy was aimed at supporting languages and culture of indigenous and small peoples including Roma.
“Romen” was first created as a studio. In December 1931 the Studio showed its first three-act musical and dramatic performance based on Alexander Germano’s play “Life on Wheels”. The play showed the difficulties of settling down and young Roma breaking with their past. After the premiere of the play, the Studio changed its name to the Romen Theatre.
From the very beginning, the question arose as to whether the plays should be performed in Roma or the Russian language. Initially, the decision was made in favor of the Roma language. However, soon the Theatre faced a number of challenges. First of all, because of the significant differences between Roma dialects, not all Roma could fully understand the language of the plays. In addition, it soon became clear that the Theatre wouldn’t be able to financially survive without the Russian-speaking audience. The plays either started to be performed in two languages or just separate lines were left in Roma language. Since 1940, the Theatre entirely switched into the Russian language.
Before 1937 the Romen Theatre was known first and foremost for its vocal and choreography. In 1937, Mikhail Yanshin, who was at that time already a famous actor, became the artistic director of the Theatre. He set out to make “Romen” a serious drama theatre. To that end, he invited directors of the Moscow Art Theatre which had already gained a reputation as a highly professional drama theatre by that time. During the years of his leadership, the “Romen” theatre began to stage performances based on the works of Russian and foreign classics.
During the Second World War, the Theatre troupe contributed to maintaining the Soviet soldiers’ fighting spirit and did everything possible to bring joy to everyone who was fighting again Nazism. They performed at the forefront, mobilized points, military trains, and in hospitals. In 1943 "Romen" visited the Far East with performances for the sailors of the Pacific Fleet. The heavy bomber “Romenovets” was built on money raised by the Theatre troupe.
In 1957 Semyon Barkan became the chief director of the Theatre. He established a youth studio, engaged new actors and directors, and staged new performances. One of such directors was young Angel Gutierrez, a Spaniard who grew up in the Soviet Union. He staged several performances based on the works of Federico García Lorca. The stage designer of these performances was a famous Spanish artist and sculptor Alberto Sanchez. The period from the middle of the 1950-s till the end of the 1970-s was the heyday of the Roma Theatre. The plays staged by the Romen Theatre directors were performed in crowded halls.
It was also in the 1950-s when a young Roma Nikolay Slichenko came to the Theatre and started working as a supporting actor. The Romen Theatre became a real social ladder for him. In 1977, after 26 years of work in the Theatre, he became the chief and art director of the “Romen” theatre. Nikolay Slichenko was the author of a legendary play “We are Gypsies“, the Theatre’s visiting card. The play has been performed in the Romen Theatre for over 40 years. It tells about the history of the Roma people, their way from Ancient India in search of a homeland in Russia. In December 2017, the play was shown the 2222nd time in almost 30 countries.
In 1969 “Romen” moved to a new building, a place where the legendary Moscow Yar restaurant was located in the 19th century.
The Romen Theatre gave the world a number of exceptionally talented actors such as Ivan Rom-Lebedev, Lyalya Chernaya, Ekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya, Maria Skvortsova, Sonya Timofeeva, and many others. One of the Romen Theatre’s particular features is its numerous acting dynasties.
At the beginning of the 1980-s, the “Romen” theatre received an opportunity to go on tours abroad. Japan was the Theatre’s first overseas tour. “Romen” also toured France, Austria, Turkey, India, Yugoslavia, and other countries.
The Romen Theatre is an absolutely unique example of a national Roma theatre. For many years “Romen” has managed to stay serious drama theatre without losing its strong national flavor which makes it so attractive to the general public. Due to the Romen Theatre, many talented Roma received the opportunity to realize their potential and become Roma cultural elite in Russia. Without any doubt, the Romen Theatre also played a huge role in the popularization of Roma culture not only in Russia but also abroad.