Zanimljivosti ROMI.HR
Osmog ožujka 2018. godine, u Friedrichshain parku u Berlinu, posjetitelji su imali priliku posvjedočiti o neuobičajenom incidentu. U nedjelju oko 13 sati i 30 minuta, policija je primila hitan poziv sa riječima : ,, Morate hitno doći u park Friedrichshain. Neki ljude vade iz auta nekolicinu oderanih, svježih ovaca“. Ovaj poziv koji je policija zaprimila ukazivao je na neposredan slučaj nasilja nad životinjama.
Kada su policajci stigli na ,,mjesto zločina“, ubrzo se ispostavilo da se radi o velikom nesporazumu.
Policajci su zatekli grupu od 150 ljudi kako roštiljaju. Tom prilikom jedan policajac je izjavio : ,, Sve te ovce koje se okreću na usijanom čeliku na Suncu “. Uskoro se policijska operacija pretvorila u šaljiv slučaj, koji cu policajci vjerojatno prepričavali ženama nakon radnog vrijemena sa osmijehom na licu.
U svakom slučaju, ova priča je unjela prilično kontroverze u Berlin, što je uglavnom bilo zbog činjenice da su policajci bili primorani da obustave roštiljanje. Razlog tome je činjenica da je u Njemačkoj gotovo sve strogo regulirano, uključujući i roštiljanje u javnim parkovima. Razlog za obustavu roštiljanja je bila neispravna uporaba ložišta. Naime, grupa je koristila ražanj od usijanog čelika koji su samo položili na travu u parku. To je predstavljalo veliku prijetnju od izbijanja požara, s obzirom da je bio vreli ljetni dan, sa najmanje 24 stupnja i da kiša nije padala više od sedam tjedana.
Kada su vatrogasci stigli na lice mjesta, roštiljdžije su uvidjele svoju pogrešku i policijska operacija je konačno mirno okončana.
Incidenti kao što je ovaj se događaju svuda u svijetu i svakog dana. Ono što je zanimljivo je da je nakon što je došlo do ovog incidenta, ova priča stekla veliku popularnost, prije svega u Berlinu, a potom i van Njemačke. S obzirom da se ispostavilo da su članovi grupe bili sa Balkana, momentalno je povećana zabrinutost oko neravnopravnog tretmana njemačkih policajaca prema ljudima sa Balkana.
Kako bi prevazišla nesporazum, poilicija je na Facebook objavila saopćenje u kom je navela da je roštiljanje u parku dozvoljeno svima, ali samo ukoliko oni time ne ugrožavaju sigurnost drugih. Nadalje, policija je saopćila da je grupa bila razumna i da je surađivala sa njima, te da policija nije morala primjeniti nikakve daljnje mjere.
Ova priča je još jedan dokaz da glasine često vode neistinitim navodima , što stvara brojne probleme tamo gdje ih nema. One kroje našu sliku o drugim ljudima i često mogu dovesti do nepovjerenja i animoziteta među ljudima. U našem, suvremenom društvu, ovo ima još veći značaj, budući da se ove neistine šire putem interneta, kao i pogrrešno interpretirane priče diljem svijeta.
On the 8th of march 2018, visitors of the Volkspark Friedrichshain in Berlin were able to witness a rather unusual incident. On Sunday at 13.30 o’ clock the police received an emergency call, saying quote: "You must come to the Volkspark Friedrichshain. Some people are packing several raw sheep, in the whole and without skin, out of the car." As this was the call that the police officers received, it suggested that there was an immediate case of violence committed against animals. When the officers arrived at the ‘crime’ scene, it turned out soon, that this was not the whole part of what actually happened there.
The officers witnessed a large group of about 150 people hosting a giant grill party. ‘All these sheep turned on skewers over the glowing coal in the sun’. This is the quote from one of the officers who saw the incidence. Soon this police operation then turned from a serious case, into a rather funny incident that one would tell his wife after work with a grin on his face.
Anyways, this story provoked quite a bit of controversy in Berlin. This was mainly due to the fact that the policemen were forced to stop the grilling of these sheep. That’s because almost everything in Germany is strictly regulated, this also applies for grill sessions in public parks. The reason for the shutdown of the grilling therefore was the inappropriate fireplace, that was used. The group used glowing coals, which they just laid on the grass of the Park. As it was a fairly hot summer day with around 24 degrees, and a lack of rain for more than 7 weeks, this caused an enormous threat of a fire breaking out. When the fire department arrived at the place, the group realized their mistake and the police mission came to a harmonious ending.
Incidents like this happen on regular bases everywhere in the world, every day. The really interesting point of it is yet another. After this incident took place, this story gained a certain popularity, firstly in Berlin, and soon later also out of Germany. As the group seemed to have been from the Balkans, concerns about the unfair treatment of German officials towards people from the Balkans gained momentum. In order to tackle this the police later published a Facebook post explaining that grill sessions in parks are generally allowed for everyone, but only if they are not threatening the safety of others. The police furthermore explained, that the group themselves were reasonable and cooperated with them, causing no further measures against them.
This story is yet another proof that rumors often lead to false allegations, causing serious problems that would otherwise not exist. This rumors shape our mental image about other people and can often provoke distrust and animosity among people. In our modern society this even has a greater importance, due to the internet being able to spread those false and wrongly interpreted stories around the world. This also means that nowadays it is in our all responsibility to think about what information we are spreading, as only one person can cause a chain reaction that inflicts serious damage.
grill party caused a police operation roštiljanje izazvalo intervenciju policije priča o janjetu