23. 8. 2021.

U ožujku 2020. godine Festival žena svijeta u Londonu pozdravio je neobičan djevojački bend: Pretty Loud. Ovu muzičku grupu čine isključivo Romkinje.

Autor: Clément Baloge
Prijevod: Daria Maracheva

Od svog osnivanja 2014. godine u Zemunu, općini Beograda, sve do koncerta u Londonu, grupa je razvila svoj jedinstven stil. Miješajući pop, rap i tradicionalnu romsku muziku, Pretty Loud postao je srpska zvijezda romske muzike u usponu. Bend okuplja dvanaest djevojaka, pola njih su iz Beograda, dok je druga polovica iz Niša. Muzička grupa je uspješna skupina žena i djevojaka u dobi od 15 do 27 godina koje imaju različito podrijetlo. Od adolescentica koje pohađaju srednju školu, do studentica prava i samohranih majki, Pretty Loud je primjer raznolikosti Romkinja. Pjevajući na srpskom, romskom i engleskom jeziku, dvanaest članica benda promoviraju osnaživanje žena. Njihov video pod nazivom Mashup 2020 na ovu temu pregledan je više od 145 000 puta.

Mlade djevojke se zalažu za prava žena. Sam naziv benda govori o njihovom stavu. Sinani, jedna od pjevačica grupe, objasnila je u intervjuu za Associated Press da je naziv Pretty Loud izabran kao odgovor na činjenicu da "žene u romskoj tradiciji nisu baš glasne". Njihove pjesme kritiziraju utjecaj muškaraca na život Romkinja i ulogu nekih tradicija. Bend  pokušava podići svijest o pitanjima poput dječjih brakova i financijske ovisnosti Romkinja o svojim muževima. Jedna od članica benda, Zlata Ristić, udala se sa 17 godina. Sada ima 27 godina i samohrana je majka 11-godišnjeg dječaka. Kroz svoju priču želi pokazati da je rani brak više greška nego postignuće. Također želi pokazati da Romkinje koje su rodile dijete ne moraju ostati kod kuće, nego  mogu raditi i ostvarivati svoje snove. Istovremeno, nadaju se da će im rastuća popularnost dati više prostora za borbu s predrasudama i stereotipima prema romskoj zajednici, problemom s kojim se često suočavaju. Beogradski feministički kulturni centar BeFem je 2021. godine dodijelio im nagradu “Bring the Noize“ (Budi glasan) "za borbu za glas Romkinja". Također se zalažu za bolje obrazovanje Roma. Bend smatra da je pjevanje najefikasniji način za poboljšanje položaja Roma.

Za razumijevanje važnosti Pretty Louda u podizanju svijesti o ženama, potrebno je sagledati položaj Romkinja iz šire perspektive. Prema studiji koju su 2018. godine Ujedinjeni narodi proveli na Zapadnom Balkanu, dvije trećine mladih Romkinja u dobi od 18 do 24 godine nisu financijski neovisne. Još više zabrinjava činjenica da 90% njih nemaju obrazovanje ili su nezaposlene. Osim toga, trećina žena u dobi od 20 do 49 godina udala se prije nego što je navršila 18 godina.

Iza uspjeha benda Pretty Loud stoji globalni projekt koji se zove GRUBB (Gipsy Roma Urban Balkan Beats). Osim toga što je Pretty Loud muzička grupa, članice benda organiziraju interaktivne radionice za romsku djecu u GRUBB Centru u beogradskoj općini Zemun.

GRUBB je organizacija registrirana 2006. godine u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, koja djeluje u Srbiji u cilju poboljšanja integracije Roma kroz umjetnost i obrazovanje. Organizacija GRUBB koja ima dva centra u Srbiji, odnosno u Beogradu i u Nišu, pomaže romskoj djeci pri pripremi domaćih zadaća i nudi različite umjetničke programe uz samo jedan preduvjet: da djeca pohađaju školu.

Među uspjesima organizacije je niz emisija koje su napravili mladi Romi uz pomoć kanadskog redatelja Sergea Denoncourta. GRUBB The Musical je prvi put prikazan 2011. godine u Montrealu, nakon čega su uslijedile i mnoge druge emisije u Sjevernoj Americi i Europi.

Osim priča o uspjehu grupe Pretty Loud i organizacije GRUBB The Musical, organizacija također pruži Romima iz Srbije priliku imati uspješan život kroz promoviranje obrazovanja i uz stvarne poticaje za mlade ljude te sjajne primjere koje treba slijediti. Kako je rekla Zlata Ristić, “Najveća nagrada mi je kad mi 14-godišnjakinje pišu i kažu da žele postati jedna od nas, da sada pohađaju školu zahvaljujući nama i da su poboljšale ocjene.”

Muzika služi kao sredstvo izražavanja za članice grupe Pretty Loud. Uz takve glasove Romkinje i općenito romska zajednica ima mlade lidere koji brane i promoviraju njihova prava. Članice grupe predstavljaju sjajan model emancipacije za mlade Rome s Balkana, pokazujući im da obrazovanjem, radom i strašću svatko može uspjeti. Bez obzira odakle dolazi.







In March 2020, the “Women of the World Festival” of London welcomed an uncommon girls band: Pretty Loud. Indeed, the group is composed exclusively of Roma women.

From its creation in 2014 in Zemun – a municipality of Belgrade – to the concert in London, the group developed a unique style. Mixing pop, rap and traditional Romani music influences, Pretty Loud had become a rising actor of Roma music in Serbia. The band is gathering twelve girls, a half from Belgrade, and the other half from Niš. Aged 15 to 27, it is a successful group of women and girls with various backgrounds. With teenagers studying in middle school, a law student or a single mother, Pretty Loud illustrates the diversity of Roma women. Singing in Serbian, Romani and English, the twelve members are promoting women empowerment like on their video called Mashup 2020, which has been seen more than 145 000 times.

The young girls are advocating for women’s rights. The name of the band itself refers to their stance. Sinani, one of the group singers, explained in an interview for Associated Press that Pretty Loud was chosen in reaction to the fact that “women in Roma tradition are not really loud.” Their songs criticise the influence of men over the life of Roma women and the weight of traditions. For example, they hope to raise awareness on issues such as child marriage and the financial dependence of Roma women on their husbands. One of the members, Zlata Ristic, married at the age of 17. Now, at 27, she is the single mother of an 11-year-old boy. Using her story, she claims that marrying too young is more of a mistake than an achievement. She also wants to prove that a Roma mother doesn’t have to stay at home but rather can work and realise her dreams. At the same time, with their growing success, they hope to tackle prejudices and stereotypes towards the Roma community, a problem they are often exposed to. In 2021, the BeFem feminist cultural centre of Belgrade presented them the “Bring the Noize” award “for advancing the struggle of Roma women.” Finally, they advocate for the better education of Roma. The band consider it to be the most efficient way to improve the situation of Roma.

To understand the importance of the engagement of Pretty Loud regarding these issues, it is necessary to look at the situation of Roma women. According to a study conducted by the United Nations in the Western Balkans in 2018, two-thirds of young Roma women aged 18 to 24 are not financially autonomous. Even more concerning is the fact that 90% of them are left without education or unemployed. Finally, a third of women aged 20 to 49 have been married before reaching 18.

Behind the success of Pretty Loud, there is a global project called GRUBB (Gipsy Roma Urban Balkan Beats). Aside from the music group, members of the band are conducting workshops for young Roma children in GRUBB Centre in Belgrade’s Zemun District.

Established in the United Kingdom in 2006, GRUBB is an organisation working mostly  in Serbia, which aims at improving Roma integration in the long-run, through art and education. With two centres in Belgrade and Niš, GRUBB helps Roma children with their homework and offer various artistic programmes, with only one prerequisite: to be enrolled in a state school.

Among the successes of the NGO is a series of shows written by young Roma under the supervision of Canadian director Serge Denoncourt. GRUBB The Musical was presented for the first time in 2011 in Montreal, and many other shows followed in North America and Europe.

In addition to the beautiful stories of Pretty Loud and GRUBB The Musical, the NGO is giving Roma from Serbia a path to follow to create their own successful life through education with real incentives for young people and great examples to follow. As Zlata Ristic explained, “My biggest reward is when 14-year-old girls write to me and say they want to become one of us, that they now attend school thanks to us, that they have improved their grades.”

Through their art, Pretty Loud found a medium to express themselves. With such voices, Roma women and the Roma community more generally have found young standard bearers to promote their rights. They represent a fantastic model of emancipation for young Roma from the Balkans, showing them that through education, work and passion, everyone can succeed. No matter where they come from.