

30. 6. 2022.
Autorica: Ezgi Kocdag
Prijevod: Antonia Mudrovčić

Parlamentarizam je demokratski sustav vlasti u kojem je izvršna vlast pod kontrolom zakonodavne vlasti. U parlamentarnom sustavu na čelu države nije ista osoba koja je i na čelu vlade. U predsjedničkom sistemu na čelu države obično je ista osoba koja je i na čelu vlade, a izvršna vlast ne dobiva svoj legitimitet od zakonodavne vlasti.

O tome je li parlamentarni sustav najbolji ili nije moglo bi se raspravljati. Zasad je to jedini sustav u kojem se vlade mogu smatrati odgovornima. U sustavima u kojima je jedna obitelj na vlasti nije uvijek moguće tu obitelj smatrati odgovornom za svoje postupke jer bi ti moglo rezultirati time da država nanese štetu građanima. U monarhijama nije moguće birati tko će biti na vlasti, nego se samo može čekati hoće li sljedeći vladar biti razuman i brinuti za svoje ljude. Parlamentarni sustav građanima dopušta da upoznaju kandidate, da ih poslušaju i glasaju za njih. Ako im se neki kandidat ne svidi, moguće ga je zamijeniti. Parlamentarni sustavi su obično transparentniji jer porezni obveznici žele vidjeti što se radi s njihovim novcima. Teže je raditi one stvari koje građani ne bi dopustili jer postoji podjela moći.

U raspodjeli vlasti, ona se obično dijeli na 3 grane: zakonodavnu, izvršnu i sudsku. Takva podjela omogućava sustave provjera i ravnotežu, gdje oni koji stvaraju zakone nisu oni koji proganjaju ljude, i oni koji su odgovoni za stvaranje zakona ne mogu uhititi građane. Ogranci vlasti također mogu provjeravati jedni druge. Sustav ne ovisi o tome jesu li ljudi dobri, nego ovisi o institucijama. Kad svi mogu vidjeti što rade ljudi na vlasti, puno je lakše izbjeći i otkriti korupciju. Nažalost, stvari nisu uvijek transparentne za Rome i druge manjine zbog korupcije na lokalnoj razini. Razumijevanje demokracije ili parlamentarizma ponekad izostaje u romskim naseljima, što ponekad rezultira time da Romi prodaju svoje glasove.

Parlamentarni sustav obično je bolji i za manjine. Manjine i skupine u nepovoljnom položaju obično nemaju moć da budu na vlasti zbog toga što nemaju novaca ni utjecaja. Ali manjine obično imaju broj, što je vrlo učinkovito u parlamentarnom sustavu u kojem se može glasati i birati predstavnike, osnovati vlastitu političku stranku ili glasati za predstavnike koji će im pomoći u njihovom planu. Jedna od najvećih prednosti parlamentarizma je zastupnička moć koju daje narodu. Umjesto da čekaju da netko bude glas za probleme manjina ili skupina u nepovoljnom položaju, oni mogu biti vlastiti glas i zahtijevati bolje škole, zdravstvo, socijalnu skrb, infrastrukture u svom susjedstvu itd. Kad se zemlje odmaknu od parlamentarizma, to obično nije zato što su pronašle bolji način upravljanja, već suprotno. Tu i tamo neka će zemlja imati političara koji želi više moći za sebe. Prvo će reći da im je potrebno više vlasti za dobro zemlje i naroda. Da im je moć potrebna za donošenje brzih odluka, a da ih parlament ne koči. Jer njihova zemlja je u opasnosti, da unutarnji i vanjski neprijatelji uvijek rade na propasti njihove zemlje. Ljudi ponekad u ovo vjeruju i tim političarima daju dodatnu moć. Zapamtite da je političar htio ovu moć da donosi brze odluke koje se ne mogu donositi u parlamentu. To je zapravo jedna od najboljih strana parlamentarizma. Kada je riječ o upravljanju državom, nema brzih odluka koje treba donijeti odmah. Nitko ne bi trebao brzo i sam odlučivati ​​o gospodarskoj, socijalnoj ili obrambenoj politici. To su politike o kojima treba razgovarati s ljudima koji su izabrani i koji su specijalizirani za njih. Kada ljudi prepuste jednoj osobi moć da donosi pravila i progoni ljude kako god želi, ta osoba obično počne koristiti moć za vlastitu korist. To je ono što mi zovemo autokracija, a kasnije bi se moglo vratiti u diktaturu. Put iz parlamentarizma u diktaturu nije težak. Kad ljudi u sebi imaju dovoljno straha da su „drugi“ tu da ih progone, da naštete njihovoj zemlji, i samo je jedna osoba njihov zaštitnik, oni će svu svoju slobodu dati za takozvanu sigurnost. Kada ljudi shvate da jednoj osobi nije stalo do njih, da imaju osobne interese, da imaju moć i novac za sebe, prekasno je. Oni više ne mogu biti pozvani na odgovornost ni tražiti promjenu. Treba biti oprezan s demagozima, koji će izgledati  karizmatično i kao da cijene demokratske vrijednosti, ali kada preuzmu vlast pretvorit će se u diktatore. Zato trebamo biti oprezni kada svoju slobodu mijenjamo za svoju sigurnost. Zato moramo biti oprezni kada odlučujemo tko će nas zastupati. Zahtijevajte transparentnost i odgovornost!




Parliamentarism is a democratic system of government, in which the executive branch is under the control of the legislature. In a parliamentary system, the head of state is usually someone other than the head of government. In a presidential system, the head of state is often the same person as the head of government, and the executive branch does not get its legitimacy from the legislature.

Is parliamentary system the best or not is up for a debate. So far, it is definitely the  only system where the governments can be held responsible and accountable. In systems where a family is in charge, it is not always possible to held the family accountable for their actions, for it might result in citizens being harmed by the state. Again, in monarchy, you cannot choose who is in charge but you have to wait and see if the next ruler is sane, cares for their people etc. Parliamentary system allows people to get to know the candidates, listen to them, vote for them. If they do not like them, they can be changed and/or held accountable. Parliamentary systems are usually more transparent, for taxpayers demand to see what is being done with their money and resources. It is more difficult to do things citizens would not approve, for there is distribution of power.

In the distribution of power, powers are normally divided into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. This separation creates a checks and balances system, where those who are making the laws are not the ones prosecuting the people, and those who are responsible of making the laws cannot arrest citizens. The power branches also can check on each other. The system does not depend on people being good, but it depends on the institutions itself. When everyone can see what people of power is doing, it is easier to avoid and discover corruption. Though, unfortunately, things are not always transparent for Roma and other minorities due to corruptions on the local level. Understanding of democracy or parliamentarism sometimes is lacking in Roma settlements, which sometimes results in Roma selling their votes. 

Parliamentary system is usually better for minorities as well. In a country, minorities and disadvantaged groups usually do not have the power to be in charge, for they often lack resources, money, and influence. But minorities usually have the numbers, which is very effective in a parliamentary system where one can vote and elect representatives, create their own political party or vote for representatives that will help them with their agenda. One of the biggest advantage of the Parliamentarism is the representation power it gives to the people. Instead of waiting for someone to be a voice for the problems of the minorities or disadvantaged groups, they can be their own voice and demand for better things, like better schools, healthcare, social welfare, infrastructure in their neighbours etc.

When countries move away from Parliamentarism, its not usually because they have found a better way of governing but the opposite. Every now and then a country will have a politician who wants more power for themselves. At first, they will say that it is necessary for them to have more power for the good of country and the people. That they need this power to make fast decisions without being held back by the parliament. For their country is under danger, that the internal and external enemies are always working to ruin their country. People, ridden in fear, sometimes believes this politician and gives them more power. Remember the politician only wanted this power to make fast decisions that cannot be done with a parliament. This is actually one of the best sides of Parliamentarism. When it comes to governing a country, there are no fast decisions needs to be taken immediately. No one should decide fast and on their own about economic, social or defence policies. These are policies that needs to be discussed with people who are elected and who are specialised on these. When people let one person have the power to make the rules and prosecute people however they like, that one person usually starts using the power for their own benefit. That is what we call autocracy, later might return to dictatorship. It is not difficult for a country to switch from parliamentary system to dictatorship. When people have enough fear in themselves that “others” are out there to get them, to harm their country, and that one person is their saviour, they will give away their freedom for so called “security”. When people realise that one person does not care about them, that they have a personal agenda to have power and money for themselves, it is too late. They cannot be held accountable or ask for change anymore. We should be careful about demagogues, who will look democratic and charismatic, but when they take power for themselves they will turn into dictators. This is why we need to be careful when we are exchanging our freedom for our safety. This is why we need to be careful when we decide who is going to be representing us. Demand transparency and accountability!








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