

12. 5. 2022.

Majčin se dan u Hrvatskoj i u mnogim drugim zemljama obilježava druge nedjelje u mjesecu svibnju. 

Autorica: Maria Nikiforova
Prijevod: Antonia Mudrovčić

Majčin se dan u Hrvatskoj i u mnogim drugim zemljama obilježava druge nedjelje u mjesecu svibnju.


Mnogo je dana posvećeno slavljenju članova uže obitelji, a Majčin dan jedan je od njih. Obilježava se diljem svijeta, iako datum obilježavanja nije isti u svim zemljama. U Hrvatskoj, kao i u mnogim drugim zemljama, ove se godine Majčin dan obilježava 8. svibnja.

Počeci obilježavanja Majčinog dana sežu još u doba srednjovjekovlja. Sve je započelo obilježavanjem Majčinske nedjelje – četvrte nedjelje u korizmi, kada su se ljudi vraćali svojoj matičnoj crkvi u kojoj su bili kršteni. Ponovno obilježavanje Majčinog dana može se zahvaliti Constanci Adelaide Smith. Ona je uvela ponovno obilježavanje Majčinog dana 1913. godine, dana koji slavi sve majke i majčinstvo. Stekao je popularnost jer su istovremeno i Amerikanci započeli s obilježavanjem Majčinog dana.

U Americi je obilježavanje Majčinog dana 1907. godine uspostavila Anna Jarvis. Ona je održala prvo misno slavlje za Majčin dan u Metodističkoj biskupskoj crkvi u Zapadnoj Virginiji. Anna Jarvis bila je mirotvorka koja je zbrinjavala ranjene vojnike obiju strana tijekom Američkog građanskog rata. Nakon majčine smrti 1905. godine, Anna Jarvis počela se zalagati za obilježavanje Majčinog dana. U sklopu svojih mirovnih aktivnosti poticala je i druge majke da se bore za svoje sinove kako oni više ne bi pogibali u ratovima. Tek su 1911. godine neke države počele obilježavati Majčin dan.

Kasnije je Majčin dan u Americi postao snažno komercijaliziran. Do 1920. godine mnogo je američkih kompanija počelo prodavati čestitke za Majčin dan. Jarvis je vjerovala da proslava treba biti usmjerena na osjećaje, a ne na zaradu, pa je čak počela i bojkotirati praznik za koji se toliko zalagala. Vjerovala je da se ljubav i zahvalnost majkama mogu izraziti i rukom napisanim pismima i čestitkama, i ne moraju se nužno kupiti u dućanima.

„Različite majke su važne, svaka majka je potrebna“ – stihovi su to iz pjesme slavnog pjesnika dječje poezije Sergeya Mikhalkova. Ljudi su zaista različiti, i svaka je majka drugačija. Međutim, postoji jedna nit koja povezuje sve majke na svijetu, a to je ljubav prema svojoj djeci. Mama je jedna od prvih riječi koju djeca usvajaju. Također se kaže da dijete majci zauvijek ostaje dijete, bez obzira na to koliko on ili ona imaju godina.

Gotovo svaka osoba na svijetu mnogo toga u životu veže uz riječ majka. Ona je ta koja može odrediti djetetovu sudbinu, naučiti ga najvažnijim stvarima, dati mu ljubav i brigu. Jedan od najsnažnijih osjećaja na svijetu je majčinska ljubav. Ona je nemjerljiva i neovisna o bilo kakvim okolnostima. Majka svoje dijete voli nesebično i ništa ne traži zauzvrat. Majka razumije svoje dijete i želi mu sve najbolje u životu. Majka je sretna kada je njezino dijete sretno.

Majke se moraju puno žrtvovati za dobrobit svog djeteta. Romkinje također svojoj djeci pružaju najbolje – brinu se o djeci, šalju ih u školu, pomažu im sa zadaćom, pomažu im prebroditi teškoće i dati im savjete.

Ova je godina pogođena ratom u Europi i zbog toga je posebno važno pokazati ljubav i podršku Majkama, onima koje su nam dale život. Pokazujemo da cijenimo i zalažemo se za miran život u cijelom svijetu. Bilo koji rat majkama teško pada, one su zabrinute za svoje sinove, one gube svoje sinove…






Mother’s Day is celebrated in Croatia and many other countries on the 8th of May (second Sunday of May) in 2022.

There are a lot of holidays devoted to celebration of close family members, Mother’s Day is one of them. It is celebrated worldwide, although the date of the celebration might vary from country to country. In Croatia this year of 2022 the Mother’s Day is on 8th of May, same is for many other countries.

The roots of the celebration dates back to the Medieval times. It all started with a Mothering Sunday - the fourth Sunday in Lent, when people for a day returned back to the original or the Mother Church that they were baptized in. The celebration of this day reappeared with the help of an Englishwoman Constance Adelaide Smith. She reintroduced the holiday in 1913 and it became a celebration of mothers and motherhood. It gained popularity because at the same time Americans started to celebrate Mother’s Day.

As for America, the holiday was established in 1907 by Anna Jarvis - she held the first Mother’s Day service in the church in West Virginia - Methodist Episcopal Church that now holds the International Mother’s Day Shrine. Anna Jarvis was a peace activist who cared for wounded soldiers of both sides during the American Civil War. As the result of her mother’s death in 1905, Jarvis started her campaign to advocate for celebration of Mother's Day. As part of her peacemaking activities, she advocated for mothers to ask that their sons would no longer be killed by wars. It was only 1911 when some US states locally started recognizing Mother’s Day.

Later on, the holiday in America started to be largely commercialized. By the year of 1920 a variety of big American companies started selling Mother’s Day cards. Jarvis believed though that the celebration should be advocating for sentiment, not profit, so she even started to boycott the holiday that she introduced. She believed that the gratitude and love for mothers should better be expressed by hand-written letters and cards rather than the ones that were sold in stores.

‘Different mothers are important, all kinds of mothers are needed’ - lines from the poem of a famous children’s poet Sergey Mikhalkov. Indeed all people are different, all mothers are different. But the one treat that connects most of the mothers of the world is the love for their children. It is said that ‘Mom’ is one of the most common first words that come out of toddlers. It is also said that for a mom a kid always stays a kid - no matter how old he or she is.

Almost every person on earth associates a lot in his life with the word "mother" - it is she who is able to determine the future fate of the child, teach him/her the most important things, give him love and care. One of the strongest and most important feelings in the world is motherly love. It is immeasurable and does not depend on any circumstances. A mother loves her child selflessly and asks for nothing in return. A mother understands her child, wants his/her life to be the best. A mother is happy when her child is happy.

There are a lot of sacrifices Mothers do during the child's life, because they advocate for a child's better life. Roma mothers are doing their best for children – take care, get to school, help with the homework, support during hardships, give advice.

As the year of 2022 is struck with the war in Europe, it is especially needed to show the love and support to Mothers, who gave us our lives, that we should cherish and advocate for a peaceful life in the whole World. Any war gets mothers in difficult positions – they worry for their sons, they loose their sons...








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