

23. 3. 2022.
Mural oscar romero ues (cropped) SPRIJEČIMO ZLOČINE ZA BOLJU BUDUĆNOST
Photo by Mural Oscar Romero Ues
Autorica: Maria Nikiforova
Prijevod: Antonia Mudrovčić

24. ožujka obilježava se Međunarodni dan prava na istinu o teškim kršenjima ljudskih prava i borbe za dostojanstvo. Ovaj su dan priznali Ujedinjeni narodi u prosincu 2010. kako bi odali počast nadbiskupu Oscaru Arnulfu Romeru koji je ubijen 24. ožujka 1980.  Nadbiskup Oscar Arnulfo Romero bio je prelat Katoličke crkve u El Salvadoru, koji je aktivno osuđivao kršenja ljudskih prava, branio načela zaštite života i općenito se suprotstavljao svim oblicima nasilja.

Ovaj dan obilježen je u kalendarima s ciljem da se oda počast žrtvama nad kojima su počinjena zlodjela i nasilni zločini, da se ukaže na važnost traženja istine i pravde, i istraživanja zločina. S ciljem da se prisjetimo i odamo počast svima onima koji su svoj život posvetili boreći se protiv kršenja ljudskih prava, obiteljima onih koji su patili, onima koji su bili ubijeni dok su se borili za ljudska prava. I još jednom odati priznanje djelu nadbiskupa Oscara Arnulfa Romera, koji se borio protiv nasilja i zločina.

Mnogi ljudi diljem svijeta pate i čak umiru od nasilnih zločina: mučenja, trgovine ljudima, otmica, pogubljenja itd. Njihove obitelji imaju pravo saznati istinu – što se dogodilo njihovim najmilijima, točne događaje i okolnosti, sudionike itd. Štoviše, imaju pravo na pravdu koju osigurava država. Svake godine glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda objavljuje poruku povodom obilježavanja ovog dana. Poruka 2022. godine je:

Međunarodni dan prava na istinu o teškim kršenjima ljudskih prava i borbe za dostojanstvo podsjeća nas da je istina snažno svjetlo.

Svjetlo koje obasjava prekršaje za koje bi počinitelji radije da ostanu skriveni.

Svjetlo koje otkriva put prema miru, pravdi i kompenzaciji za žrtve, i obvezuje zemlje da ispune svoje obveze u okviru međunarodnog prava.

I svjetlo koje osvjetljava pozadinske uzroke ovih kršenja, kako bismo ih mogli spriječiti da se ne ukorijene.

Kada je svjetlo istine ugašeno, društva uranjaju u mračni svijet prijetnji, laži i nepovjerenja.

Oni koji bi kršili ljudska prava – oni s namjerom da povrijede, kontroliraju ili čak ubiju – ohrabreni su da će proći nekažnjeno.

Na ovaj važan dan obnavljamo svoju predanost uklanjaju vela s ovih teških kršenja, pomažući društvima da zaliječe podjele, pomire se u miru, i okupe kao jedno kako bi podržali i zaštitili zdravlje, sigurnost, dostojanstvo i mogućnosti svake osobe.

Moramo poslušati riječi monsinjora Oscara Romera, koji je ubijen na današnji dan prije 42 godine jer je javno govorio protiv nepravde i nejednakosti u El Salvadoru. Podsjetio nas je da “oni koji imaju glas moraju govoriti umjesto onih koji ga nemaju”.

Neka njegova hrabra borba za istinu osvijetli naš rad na promicanju i zaštiti ljudskih prava diljem svijeta.“


Antonio Guteres, glavni tajnik Ujedinjenih naroda


Romi i ljudi u sličnom položaju, koji žive u nestabilnim ekonomskim uvjetima, imaju veće šanse da postanu žrtve zločina jer je društvo pristrano i mnogo su manje šanse da će pravda biti zadovoljena za romske manjine.

U prosječnom društvu s funkcionalnim pravosudnim sustavom i drugim sredstvima zaštite ljudi, osoba bi se uglavnom suzdržala od počinjenja zločina protiv druge osobe. Međutim, kada se radi o nezaštićenim manjinama, poput Roma, zločin može biti počinjen jer pravda nikad neće biti izvršena.

Kako suvremeni svijet sve više teži demokratskom načinu života, morali bismo više pažnje posvetiti pružanju istine i pravde obiteljima čiji su članovi bili žrtvama teških zločina. Naravno, trebali bismo spriječiti sve zločine za bolju budućnost društva.









24th of March pays attention to the International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims. This day was recognized by the United Nations in December 2010 to pay tribute to Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, who was assassinated  on March 24th, 1980. Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero was a Catholic Church prelate in El Salvador’s who was actively denouncing violations of human rights, defending the principles of protecting lives, and overall opposing any forms of violence.

This day is marked in the calendars with the aim to honor the memory of the victims against whom atrocities and violent crimes were performed, to state the importance to seek for the truth and justice, investigate crimes. To remember and pay tribute to all those who dedicated their lives to stand up against human rights violations, to families of those who suffered, to those who were murdered while fighting for human rights. And once again to recognize the work of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero, who fought against violence and atrocities. 

Many people throughout the world are suffering and even dying from violent crimes: tortures, human trafficing, abductions, executions, etc. Their families should have the right to know the truth - what happened to their loved one, the exact events and circumstances, participants, etc. What is more, they have the right for justice provided by the State.

Every year the Secretary-General of the United Nations publishes a Message to commemorate this Day. The message for 2022 is:


‘The International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and the Dignity of Victims reminds us that truth is a powerful light.

A light that shines on violations that perpetrators would prefer to remain hidden.

A light that reveals a path towards peace, justice and reparation for victims, and compels countries to meet their obligations under international law.

And a light that illuminates the underlying causes of these violations, so that we can prevent them from taking root.

When the light of truth is extinguished, societies are plunged into a dark world of threat, lies and mistrust.

Those who would violate human rights — those with intentions to harm, control and even kill — are emboldened to act with impunity.

On this important day, we renew our commitment to lifting the veil on these gross violations, and helping societies heal divisions, reconcile in peace, and gather as one to support and protect the health, safety, dignity and opportunity of every person.

We must heed the words of Monsignor Oscar Romero, who was murdered on this day 42 years ago for speaking out against injustice and inequality in El Salvador. He reminded us that “the ones who have a voice must speak for those who are voiceless.”

May his courageous fight for truth illuminate our own work to promote and protect human rights all around the world.’


Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN


With this Day in mind we have to understand that one of the most vulnerable groups to have committed violence against them are unprotected minorities. Being a minority, living an economically unstable life, Roma and other people in similar positions have high chances to become victims of crimes because the society is biased and there is much less chance that justice will be done for Roma minorities.

In an average society with a working justice system and other means of peoples’ protections, a person mostly would restrict himself from committing an unjust crime against another person. But coming across unprotected minorities, like Roma, a crime can be performed in a sense that the justice won’t be done.

As the modern world is more and more aiming for a democratic way of living, we should pay much attention to providing the truth and justice to the families affected by gross crimes. And of course, we should aim to prevent any violent crimes for the better future of the society.








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